What Do Governors Do? The school’s Christian vision and values inform, shape, and drive the governance of the school, and as Governors we seek to ensure they are the ‘golden thread’ that runs through all of school life.
There are immediate and lasting benefits to becoming a school governor. In volunteering your time, you are making a positive contribution to the success of the school and therefore having an impact on the lives of its pupils, staff and the local community. In addition, the role can help you to develop and evidence skills to support your own working life. If you are interested in becoming a governor in the future, please contact the School Office:
How Do Governors Work? St. Andrew’s governors attend six School Governor meetings a year. You should expect to spend no more than ten days a year on duties, largely within school hours/early evenings and term time. There would be a slight increase in time commitment should you take on chairing responsibilities for one of the governing body's committees.
Vacancies We currently want to recruit two people with finance expertise (one Co-Opted Full Governor and one Associate Member).
Please use the link to find out more. To watch a video please click below
Register of Interests for Governors who have served in the last 12 months - Register of Interests 2023-24 |
Minutes of Resources & Finance Committee Meetings Minutes of previous R&F committee meetings for the last two years can be found below:
Minutes of Teaching & Learning Committee Meetings Minutes of previous T&L committee meetings for the last two years can be found below:
Minutes of Human Resources Committee Meetings Minutes of previous HR committee meetings for the last two years can be found below:
The Constitution of Governing Bodies in Maintained Schools (August 2015) requires governing bodies to publish individual governors' attendance at meetings in the last year. Governor attendance at meetings is as follows: